I've noticed a lot of garden ornaments being made from old barbed wire. Hats, Christmas trees and wreaths just to name a few. So I thought I need to create some earrings to reflect these. While barbed wire is a material that I don't think any of us want to wear, due to the weight and the nastiness of the barbs, I think I have come up with a nice compromise.
In the country, barbed wire is everywhere. It is the main material used in our fencing to secure our livestock. These earrings are my take on combining barbed wire, cattle and heart shaped wreaths. And they symbolize all things country to me.
There are 3 different cattle skull variations to choose from in the skull charms. I'm going to simplify the differences by using the flower colours.
There are also 3 different materials I've used to embroider the barbed wire onto. 2 are leather (brown and dark brown) and 1 is leatherette. The leatherette is tan colour with black marks on it. This is called ostrich print.
Now these earrings look chuncky and heavy but they are quite light to wear weighging only 2.5 grams per earring.
The earrings measure approximately 4.3cm wide and 4.1 cm high. And they hang approximately 6.5cm.
I hope you love these as much as I do.
In the country, barbed wire is everywhere. It is the main material used in our fencing to secure our livestock. These earrings are my take on combining barbed wire, cattle and heart shaped wreaths. And they symbolize all things country to me.
There are 3 different cattle skull variations to choose from in the skull charms. I'm going to simplify the differences by using the flower colours.
There are also 3 different materials I've used to embroider the barbed wire onto. 2 are leather (brown and dark brown) and 1 is leatherette. The leatherette is tan colour with black marks on it. This is called ostrich print.
Now these earrings look chuncky and heavy but they are quite light to wear weighging only 2.5 grams per earring.
The earrings measure approximately 4.3cm wide and 4.1 cm high. And they hang approximately 6.5cm.
I hope you love these as much as I do.
Product Code: wtd6VQX
Brand: House of Daberg
Product Condition: New
weight: 5.0g
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